Eating One Meal A Day Diet Plan (OMAD) | Lose 3/4 Kg | No side Effects | Completely Safe

Eating One Meal A Day (OMAD) | Lose 3/4 Kg | No side Effects | Completely Safe

In most cases, the diet is meant to remove your favorite foods for weight loss. The amount of food is low. But imagine, Only one-day meal plan (OMAD) helps you to lose weight 3/ 4 kg or 10 pounds. Are you may be thinking it’s a scam but it has a medically proved.

Boston Medical Center doctor Carolyn Avavian discovered this (“One Meal A Day” (OMAD). Such a name is because there will be many weight drops in the middle of sleep. I do not believe it. During this meal, you can eat any healthy food for 6 days a week so hunger will be a problem. 

Only a day you have to follow the rules, prepare a Smoothie especially. After this meal, an example of weight reduction of 3 to 4 kgs is seen in the week. Dr. Avavian made this food plan through researching 25 years. Not only that, after examining his influence on his clients, he is confident about his effectiveness.

This diet is healthier than other foods. Because our muscles have decreased with age and due to low food diet, this problem is more prominent. But overnight food has a way to prevent this. If there is more than one lining in the body, fat does not get enough fat. 

To maintain the amount of nightly intake of muscle, you may eat a certain amount of protein, there is also a certain amount of carbohydrate intake. As a result, you lose weight by removing the fat in a healthy way. 

Diet is consumed only in one day, it is greatly reduced in our body's insulin production levels. As a result, fat and fat reduction around the waist. Fat burning process in this place continues throughout the week. Not only that, due to insulin depletion, the risk of some diseases decreases and our water reduces excess water.

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Eating One Meal A Day Diet Plan (OMAD)

How to Eat One Meal Plan (OMAD)?

  • This is two parts of food. One day you have to refrain from eating simple food every week. You need to drink three glasses smoothies of healthy glasses on this day. During this sleep, you can reduce your weight by one kilogram. The fat reduction process will begin this day.
  •  Other six days of the week you will follow the Healthy Food Plan. This diet is the main thing to keep body muscles healthy and to fill fat by eating meat, fish, and eggs. During this period you will be able to eat delicious food of peanut butter, potato, pasta etc. after following the food plan.
  • If one weekend, you will have to drink a few times without having to eat anything else. So, to keep smoking in your day to day, your body will start flushing again.
  • If you follow this plan every week you will lose weight and you will be able to return to normal weight according to your height and age.
  •  The daily plan can be followed for a long time. However, you can eat normal foods twice a day on Smoothies Day, so that you do not lose weight.
  • Many people think that drinking smoothies if you do not eat solid food, hunger all day long. But these studies contain many healthy ingredients that do not have any chance of your appetite.
  • If the overnight feed is properly followed, the body hormone effect is OK so the body can not get water again. Not only this, this diet must be completely dependent on liquid diet throughout the day. Studies have found that, if the body refrains from eating solid foods, sometimes it is good. This is that burn our fat in the body and burn fat.

How to make One Day a Meal (OMAD smoothies? 

1) Protein: 1 tablespoon of protein powder or one cup fat-free talk yogurt

2) Liquid (anyone): half cup lean milk, half cup of soy milk, a cup of milk, a cup of coconut milk, half cup cube water or soap cup fruit juice is your choice.

2) Fruit (any type two): Half of the apples, bananas, pears, a lemon or orange, half cup grapes, mango, pepper, pineapple or strawberry.

3) Vegetable (any three): a small carrot, half cup coconut, half cup mint leaves, a cup of lettuce, a cup spinner or small tomatoes.

4) These can be added to a tea table avocado, sugar-free cocoa powder, one teaspoon peanut butter or one tablespoon. These two can be added to any Smoothie.

5) You can use any one element to enhance your taste: half a cup of coffee or tea, salt and pepper powder, ice or water.

6) Do not give any sugar or sugar content in any way.
Mix all these ingredients together with Blender and make Smoothie. You can drink using recipes every time.

What to eat for the remaining 6 days of the week?

1) Most important to eat the rest of the week is to eat protein according to the daily protein requirement (DPR). For women of Bangladesh, every day 350-450 grams and men will have to eat 400-570 g of protein per day. Protein cannot be consumed during this diet.

2) Eat fruit as soon as possible.

3) You can eat stark-free vegetables and vegetables. Such as broccoli, cabbage, carrots, cauliflower, tomatoes, spinach, mushrooms etc. 

see more weight loss foods

4) 240 to 240 m Fat-free or low-fat tickers can eat yogurt or cheese every day.

5) Hole grains will be harvested during sugar intake. Each piece is a piece of wheat, corn, grain cracker with two honey, 30 g flour, red rice fields.

6) Potato, sweet, pulses, beans or seeds can eat 100 grams per day.

7) You can eat 4 cups of avocado, olive oil or low-fat gourd.

8. It is important to drink 8 glasses per day. In addition, you can drink sugar-free black coffee, colored tea or any diet drink.

9) Avoid excess fat proteins, flower-gourd foods, general foods, and sugar supplements.


One meal diet plan isn't for everyone who has any physical problem. Please don't follow this diet. Please contact your diet consultant before starting one meal diet.
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